Algae and Energy in the Northeast Conference

“Algae and Energy in the Northeast was co-hosted by the University of Vermont, Vermont Epscor, and Vermont Bioenergy Initiative.
A conference on Algae & Energy in the Northeast, co-hosted by the University of Vermont and the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund, was held at the University of Vermont in Burlington on March 17 & 18, 2010.
Topics covered include:
- Overcoming challenges to algae feedstock production in the Northeast
- Algal harvesting, lipid (oil) extraction, and biofuel conversion
- Uses and markets for algal oil and by-products
- Concurrent poster session featuring algae R&D projects.

The conference “Algae and Energy in the Northeast” was sponsored by Vermont Technical College, Renewable Energy Vermont, Carbon Harvest, Algae Power, General Systems Research, Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, and Algae Biomass Organization.
Some of the foremost algae researchers and entrepreneurs presented the current state and projected future of algae as a biofuel feedstock, including:
- Conference Objectives & Outcomes: Dr. Anju Dahiya (University of Vermont, Cofounder General Systems Research LLC)
- Development of Microalgal Biofuels: A National Laboratory Perspective:Dr. Al Darzins (Principal Group Manager NREL)
- Pumping Algae! An Alternative Energy Future: Donald Redalje – Univ. of Southern Mississippi Department of Marine Science and Cofounder of HR BioPetroleum Inc.
- Algae Grown on Agricultural Wastewater: Algal Production, Composition and Utilization: Dr. Walter Mulbury (Environmental Management and Byproducts Lab, USDA Beltsville, Maryland)
- Algae Farming for Biofuel Feedstocks: Dr. Ron Putt – Chemical Engineering Department, Auburn University
- Algae to Biofuel: Opportunities and Challenges: Vikram M Pattarkine, PhD – CEO, PEACE USA and formerly CTO/Chief Scientist, OriginOil
- Algae for Biofeeds and Biofuels: Dr. Ira Levine (University of Southern Maine)
- Algae Culture and Biofuels Development in Integrated Systems: Dr. Mary Watzin (University of Vermont)
- Microalgae Production of Biodiesel: Dr. Ihab H. Farag (University of New Hampshire)
- Poster Sessions: The Conference presented concurrent poster sessions featuring regional algae research and demonstration projects.